An amenity that residents and property managers both love.
Valet Trash Removal in 3 Easy Steps
Tie off your trash bag
Each apartment community will be provided with a Valet Vantage branded trash bin.
- On a trash collection day, securely tie off the trash bag within the bin.
- Double bag any pet waste.
- Do not include any liquids or sharp objects that can puncture the bag.
Place Bin Outside Your Apartment
Trash collection typically begins at 6:00 PM and ends at 10:00 PM.
- Place the Valet Vantage trash bin with the bag securely tied outside of your apartment door before collection.
- All contents must fit within the trash bin.
- Be sure not to block access to any other apartments or exits.
- If your community recycles, place your recycling bin outside the apartment with the contents secured in a trash bag.
Depending on your community's preference, trash collection can occur 3 to 5 days per week between the hours of 6:00 PM and 10:00 PM.
- Your community's valet will collect the trash and bring them to the designated disposal area.
- If your trash was not collected, your valet will note any reasons why they were unable to accept it and provide them to your property manager.
- After collection, bring your Valet Vantage trash bin inside either that same night or early in the morning.